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Principle No. 1

Respect and support internationally recognized human rights in your area of influence.

Principle No. 2

Ensure that your company does not participate in any way in the violation of human rights.

Principle No. 3

Support freedom of association and recognize to open collective bargaining.

Principle No. 4

Eliminate all forms of forced or compulsory labour.

Principle No. 5

Eradicate all forms of child labor in your productive chain.

Principle No. 6

Stimulate all practices that eliminate any form of discrimination at the workplace.

Principle No. 7

Assume a responsible, preventive and proactive posture towards environmental challenges.

Principle No. 8

Develop initiatives and practices to promote and divulge socioenvironmental responsibility.

Principle No. 9

Promote the development and dissemination of environmentally responsible technologies.res.

Principle No. 10

Fight corruption in all of its forms, including extortion and bribery.